
This has to be the most spontaneous blog post I’ve written till date. But when inspiration strikes, it is hard not to write.
Today, the 8th of March is International Women’s Day.
There is a woman in each of our lives. Mother, wife, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandmother, granddaughter, niece.. the list seems to be endless.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the world slowly starting to respect a woman. My heart swells with pride looking at so many women going on to achieve what was considered impossible for a woman to do. Millions of women are shattering the glass ceiling and achieving great heights of success.
With that, her responsibilities have only increased manifold. She has to juggle so many roles, personal and professional. Be it looking after her children, her parents, as well as meeting deadlines in her workplace, she has so much to get done within 24 hours. And the cycle repeats each day, leaving her little to no time to spend on herself.
This Women’s Day, I urge each one of you to share the load with the women in your life and give her some space to enjoy a few quiet moments with herself. Treat her to some well-deserved rest, even if it for a few hours each week.
After all, she is a human being too! Rather than giving her expensive gifts, give her your time, your respect, and some space. Women do love these small gestures rather than material things.
Let this respect not be restricted to just today. True respect lies in realizing her worth each day in your life.
Happy Women’s Day to all the lovely women who are reading this. You are special. 🙂
Screenshot 2019-03-08 at 9.31.47 AM

24 thoughts on “#SheIsSpecial

  1. It is the best post till date. Materialistic things do not define us but, emotions do. It’s the only thing we expect from all. Happy women’s day chets and thank you for writing on behalf of all the women out there.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Best blog post till date😍,though it is short,the message it has conveyed through your writing is tremendous. As you have mentioned, let this respect, wishing etc..not be confined to a particular day.
    Being women is now a pride because she has conquered every field . Women power has no boundaries .
    Thank you very much for making us proud, important through your blog post.
    Keep writing.
    God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is the best blog u have posted till now. Superb . Really every one must respect and treat women equally and share all their responsibilities, as u wrote not one day, in day to day life. Then the life becomes more beautiful and meaningful too. Good chethu for your thoughts at this young age. Salute to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Chetu, soorry for the delayed response. Eventhough I read this message long back & also appreciated. I just forgot to reply. Very nicely written as usual. As you said, women should be respected& & that they shold be extended a helping hand in every possible way is apt & befitting dialogue for the woman’s day. But let me tell you that a woman ‘s ability & importance need not be highlighted because she already has got the qualities which most of us don’t see & realise. Eyes do not see what the mind does not know. One simple but most important example of woman being the most important person is that of the mother. Do you think that there is any other person more precious than the mother. This in itself is enough to highlight the importance of women. Mothen is a woman, so women take the superior place above everything. So , womens day is not the question of one day , it should be celebrated everyday. Woman may be a mother, sister, daughter or wife, they are lovable & respectable to the highest degrre beyond any doubt. Happy WOMAN’S day everyday. Beautiful write ups Chetu. You are great, you are a woman (girl).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely post. No one can beat her courage, her management of time etc etc.. The most thoughtful message you gave is to share her burden which is the need of an hour.

    Happy women’s day

    Liked by 1 person

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