

I’m Chetana, the person behind The Soulful Nib.

A Music Buff. A Bibliophile. An Organisation Geek. A Minimalist. A Fitness Freak.
Writing is something I am highly passionate about. Just as people live to eat, I live to write.

I’m a Chartered Accountant by the day and a creative monster by the night (hehe :D). I aim to become a writer, an educator and an entrepreneur.

In this blog, you’ll find my musings, introspections, observations, and occasionally, some poetry. I even review books on my Instagram page.

Three of my poems have been published in anthologies as well! Click on the images to know more.

My Pinterest and Instagram pages will help you in staying updated about the new posts I put up on the blog.

If you love reading, you would be interested in checking out the Books I Love.

I reside in the sweet and charming coastal city of Mangalore.

With that, welcome to my Blog! 🤓