Do Nothing.

Hello everyone!

How are y’all coping with the quarantine days?

In my previous blog post, I compiled a list of ways in which we can spend time while isolating ourselves for the next few weeks. While trying to spend our days as productively as we can, we also need to remember one important thing. We have got this time to literally do nothing. This is the time when we can be all by ourselves.

I just finished reading this insightful book, Zen: The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyō Masuno. The entire book is peppered with very short lessons on life. It is indeed a calming read, especially in testing times like the present.

One of the lessons, precisely the very first lesson in the book caught my eye. It read, “Make time for emptiness.” During other days, we generally come up with excuses like “we do not have time to do nothing.”
But now? We have all the time. Doing nothing is art. It all seems pretty easy and even silly when you think of it. It isn’t. Yet, it is a lovely habit to build.

Each day, try and spend some time sitting all by yourself, zone out, and just… breathe. No music. No TV blaring in the background. No scrolling through your phones. Nothing. This is an excellent way to be more in sync with your thoughts. You’ll (un)surprisingly notice that a whirlwind of thoughts will start popping up in your mind. That’s okay. But keep at it. Slowly and steadily, you’ll get a hang of it and you’ll start craving to spend time doing nothing.

Why must we be doing nothing?

For starters, let us all acknowledge the fact that we are all overworked in some way or the other. We see a rise in the cases of extreme stress, anxiety and burnout among people across the world. Doesn’t all this prove that we are being too harsh on ourselves?

We all want to accomplish so much these days. This has turned us into go-getters, always on our toes, hustling hard. In trying to give time to our work and family, we forget all about ourselves. We need to slow down.

There is no right or wrong way to “do nothing.” You can lie down, sit upright. Anything which comforts you the best.

My personal favourite way these days especially, is to look at the sunset. I have mentioned in the previous blog post too. Sunsets are gorgeous, they calm and soothe you way more than you could imagine. I love sitting out in my balcony and looking at the trees and the sky.

This is also the time to contemplate. Who are you? What do you really want from life? What is your true calling? You’ve got all the time to ponder and reflect over this. Introspect and look within. You’ll discover another you, probably another side of yours which you never knew existed. Another you who is way more creative, imaginative, and introspective. Remember, the sky is the limit.

Do try out this new exercise of doing nothing at all! You’ll not regret it. 🙂

Do nothing

I also would take this opportunity to thank all the people who are out there working tirelessly. The medical professionals, the grocery stores, food supplies delivery personnel and so many more. Words aren’t enough to express my gratitude to all these wonderful people. Let us all send a silent thank you to all of them each day, can’t we?

Until next time, stay blessed, stay home and stay safe.

P.S. Please do suggest some good blog post ideas which you would want to read here on The Soulful Nib. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Do Nothing.

  1. Doing nothing is actually good sometimes! Like you rightly said we need to slow down in life. Working from home has ended up meaning more work for me! But I’ll use the weekend to do nothing 😀

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