To Plants, With Love (A Poem)

Hello there!

It’s been more than a month into lockdown now. While at home, I presume that we’ve all developed one new hobby or pastime which we have begun to enjoy.

For me, this was gardening. I consider myself lucky to be living in a house which has the most beautiful garden around it. I have always loved greenery and nature.

In fact, I remember the days when I would wake up early in the morning to study for my exams. It would be a ritual to stand by the window of my room and look at the garden right outside. Despite loving the garden so much, I hardly ever made time to actually go and water the plants in there.

Now that I’m home all day, I try to water the plants as frequently as I can. I’ve begun to love the whole process of watering the plants. It is therapeutic.

I had read somewhere that plants talk to you and always thought that it is absurd. I was caught by surprise when I experienced it. The plants (and nature on the whole) DO communicate, provided we are willing to listen. 🙂

My mother is a lady with a green thumb. She loves plants and spends a good time in the garden each day, tending to the plants, pulling out the weeds, and ensures that it always remains neat and tidy. I guess her enthusiasm rubbed off on me. I couldn’t be happier!

As it generally happens, inspiration struck and I wrote a poem on my love for my garden. Here it is!


(P.S. The plant in the picture is from our garden. These are jasmine buds. Aren’t they simply gorgeous?)

As bonus content, I’m going to attach a few pictures of the plants and flowers in our garden below. Enjoy!

Garden Collage 2
Garden Collage

Until next time, stay safe and stay indoors.

Images from our garden 🙂

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