The Ebb and Flow of Life

Dear you,

You, yes you. This is a letter to tell you that you’re going to be okay. It may seem like life isn’t going the way you want it to. Reality check? It never does, as much as you want it to.

Maybe some things will turn out exactly the way you wished for, and that is AMAZING. But for when you wonder why nothing, absolutely nothing goes your way, here’s a reminder.

Living a full life has its own share of ups and downs. What’s the fun when things are always perfect? It gets boring, doesn’t it? There’s no excitement, there’s no thrill, there’s no anticipation.

There are days when you’ll feel like it’s been the best day, and then there are some days when you can’t even bring yourself to do the bare minimum. Either way, remember, this is what life is all about.

The ebb and flow is exactly how it is supposed to be. Embracing that there will be highs and lows is the way to go about it. Above all, it is a reminder that nothing lasts forever, be it the good or the bad.

Progress is never linear, there are bound to be highs, and there are bound to be lows. Acceptance of both just makes life so much easier.

And even on the worst days, there will be something that will make that day feel worth it, no matter how minuscule it may sound.

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