For The Love Of Music đźŽµ

The dictionary definition of music is, “vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony.”

Music to me is a lot more than pleasant sounds. It isn’t an exaggeration when I say that music is what keeps me going ahead. It isn’t an understatement when I say that music is my most precious friend; a constant companion who has seen me in my highs and lows.

Though there have been a couple of posts on this blog earlier about what music means to me (read The Missing Piece and Yours, A Playlist), I have yet again chosen to write about how much it matters to me.

The people who know me personally have probably seen me lost in my music on many occasions. The whole world shuts off the moment I plug in my earphones and listen to my music.

As funny as it seems, I am not joking when I say that there’s some song playing on my mind almost all the time. 90% of my brain is just filled with song lyrics.

At the beginning of this year, I decided to give more of my time to music and now, almost halfway into 2024, I am glad that I am doing just that.

As much as Instagram can be an addiction, it has helped me re-discover music from my childhood and college days. The joy of finding a forgotten piece of music is indescribable. It transports you back in time and brings back all the memories associated with it. The nostalgic wave that hits you is simply beautiful!

And I am one of those people who has a playlist created for different moods and occasions.

There was a time when I found it silly to do this but over the past few months, I have learnt that it is absolutely fine to romanticise life. With the monsoons knocking on the door, I have a monsoons playlist ready for the days when it is raining.

And it isn’t just listening to music that brings me joy, I love to sing. Singing is my kind of therapy, might I argue?

For the longest time, I kept dabbling with the idea of starting a music page and uploading cover versions of songs I love. After a lot of inhibition, I finally decided to just do it. And thus was born, The Soulful Raagas. It is my way of reconnecting with what truly makes my heart sing. I also keep sharing music that’s on my mind frequently. If you’re into music as well, do check out my Instagram page! 🙂

Music is way more than a form of art to me, it is my source of happiness, comfort and peace.

What does music mean to YOU? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time, stay blessed!


The Soulful Nib

Follow The Soulful Nib on Instagram for more!

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